
Door #1, #2, or #3

In Chapter 4 (“Calling All Gods”) of Gods at War, Pastor Kyle Idelman references Joshua’s farewell address to the Israelites at Shechem (Joshua 24).  Following a brief history lesson regarding God’s constant faithfulness to Israel, Joshua throws down the gauntlet.  It’s time for the nation of  Israel to make a choice- to follow the God of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob or one of the myriad gods they’ve encountered on their journey to the Promised Land: (1) the old gods beyond the river; (2) the gods they met next in Egypt; (3) the local gods followed by the people recently defeated by Israel.

Pastor Idelman notes that each category of gods (idols) has to do with a time and place in life:

“The gods that compete for our attention come at us based on the circumstances of our everyday existence.  They may have made a few costume changes over the years, but the categories are the same.”

It’s important to understand, the author observes, the underlying assumption that we will make a choice.  Not to choose is to choose.  Everyone is going to worship God or a god.  As philosopher Peter Kreeft states: “The opposite of theism is not atheism, it’s idolatry.”

Pastor Idelman concludes by stating that Joshua speaks for all of us when he says, “Choose for yourselves this day whom you will serve.”  If, through the Holy Spirit’s power, we don’t make that educated decision, we’ll passively and subconsciously flow into a choice we never wanted to make.

Today’s question: What is your response to Peter Kreeft’s quote?  Please share.

Tomorrow’s blog: “Four compass points”

About the author 

Dave Henning

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