Open curiosity – coming to Jesus

By Dave Henning / May 20, 2023

“Coming to Jesus in curiosity means having a willingness to suspend what you previously thought you knew and to consider what might be possible with God. . . . Coming to God through open curiosity is considering whether Jesus could be the key to explaining or experiencing something you didn’t even think possible.”- Alli Patterson

Alli Patterson concludes Chapter 3 of How to Stay Standing with four questions.  Questions in which you tell God the truth about your answer.

 1.  What is my craving?  Alli encourages you to tell Jesus the truth about what you really want from Him.  In addition, say it out loud – with honesty and clarity.  Consequently, sometimes what we think we need crumbles under the weight and scrutiny of speaking out loud.  However, at other times our craving breathes life into something God put there Himself.

 2.  What is my confession?  Honest confession, Alli notes, puts you in the right place with God.  Because new things with God stand on the rock of truth.  Hence, through honest confession, you dig down and find a place to stand again.  Above all, say your confession out loud.  And move on to the abundant life waiting for you in Christ.

 3.  What is my confusion?  When God’s way of working makes no sense to you, tell Him the truth.  So, ask God that question you really want to ask.  Furthermore, ask like He can and will answer you.  In this authentic interaction, Jesus will lead you from wherever you are to the answers you need.

4.  What is my curiosity?  Finally, Alli exhorts, tell God the truth about what you’d like to see and experience of Him.  Getting honest and speaking the little thoughts in the back of your mind may just open new possibilities with God.  After all, God’s in the business of the incredible, the miraculous, and the unbelievable.  Show courage to walk toward a more complete truth about God.

Most significantly, Alli adds, you don’t have to know exactly where your answers may take you.  You just need to show up and start telling the truth.

Today’s question: Do you come to Jesus through open curiosity?  Please share.

Tomorrow’s blog: “Kneel before Jesus – cede control”

About the author

Dave Henning

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