“Every single time something that had been intended for evil is transformed into something good, I celebrate. This requires us to hold another paradox: When we participate in reimagining, we are experiencing the goodness of the Lord, and every time we move toward reimagining, we have clearer eyes to see it.”- Aundi Kolber
“You planned something bad for me, but God produced something good.”- Genesis 50:20 (Common English Bible)
In Chapter 10 (“Strength with Reimagining”), the last chapter of Strong Like Water, Aundi Kolber underscores that Jesus understood His assignment. He rooted His entire life in a higher understanding of God’s love for each of us. Certainly, many people projected their hopes, desires, and wants on Jesus. Yet, even in His compassion, Jesus never wavered. He remained steadfast to His call to bring a different kind of Kingdom.
During his time in Egypt, Joseph never bypassed the trauma inflicted by his brothers. Because the God of the universe compassionately resourced Joseph.
Therefore, we stand back in awe as we recognize that not only can our bodies survive unthinkable things, it’s possible to heal from them. In addition, we can grow through them. Consequently, we embrace the reality that our God is a God of resurrection.
Thus, Aundi explains the title of his book:
“And this is what it means to be strong like water; to be available to the love that is ‘strong as death’ (Song of Songs 8:6). We honor not only the death, but life. We are present to and in the fullness of our human experience. This, too, is grace. This, too, is strength.”
In conclusion, Aundi acknowledges, she doesn’t exactly know how our God allows grief to create fertile ground for us to experience hope, joy, and ultimately newness. However, like much of this strong-like-water work, Aundi honors the mystery.
Today’s question: What Bible verses help you experience the goodness of the Lord? Please share.
Tomorrow’s blog: “Tiny shoots of new life”