“We crack under pressure. Like Esau, we give in to the cravings that gnaw at our guilt. Like Jacob, we connive and control. Who wants to use a broken vessel? God does. His grace never quits.”- Max Lucado
In Chapter 6 (“Domestic Turf Wars”) of God Never Gives Up on You, Max Lucado observes that we never escape our DNA. And even though we try, we never succeed. Because each life remains a chapter within a bigger volume. Long before your birth, your biography began. Hence, your family matters.
However, Pastor Lucado states, even those with much Bible knowledge raise questions about the family of Jacob. Above all, Max stresses, this question tops the list: You mean to tell me that the genealogy of Jesus Christ includes these folks?
Yes, Jacob’s family. A family that Max describes as “pregnant with tension about pregnancies and the lack thereof.” So, for example, Leah bore Jacob sons, but received no love. On the other hand, Rachel possessed Jacob’s love, but bore no sons. Thus, with Rachel and Leah at odds, Max quips that in Jacob’s family kindred = dread of kin.
Furthermore, as we dig deeper, we see a case of two women, each barren. Leah barren of affection, Rachel barren of children. And a somewhat clueless Jacob, who needs to assert a little leadership.
Yet, Max wonders how many people find Jacob’s story both amazing and alluring. In time, Jacob came to embody the people of Israel. But he did so in spite of his nature, not because of it. Therefore, Pastor Lucado, for one, finds hope in God’s ability to use a family of feuds and friction.
In conclusion, Max offers these words of hope:
“Through the squabbling, strutting, struggling, competing, and comparing; the love potions, surrogate strategies, and tears of the loveless and childless, God was in control. He delivers on his word still.”
Today’s question: How, as a broken vessel, do you experience God’s grace? Please share.
Tomorrow’s blog: “The Laban in your life”