“The flashes of His face, watching me watching Him, enable endurance. The are the best of life within the fence line. . . . God searches to find because He put in us a craving to be found. And that place where we’re found, when we see Him seeing us, is inside His fence line.”- Sara Hagerty
“Thus the LORD used to speak to Moses face to face, as a man speaks to his friend.”- Exodus 33:11 (ESV)
As Sara Hagerty moves on in Chapter 13 of The Gift of Limitations, she offers encouragement that God receives us in our helplessness. As well as the powerlessness we feel in the face of a life, dream, and hope well beyond the rim of our world.
In addition, Sara compares the burst of love, belonging, and being know to the surprise appearance of an alley. An alley leading to an elaborate English garden on a cobblestone street. Because God has such an alley for us. Even though we determine to head in one direction, slowed by our ineptitude and delay. Most significantly, God = that wonderful alley.
Therefore, Sara expounds on the boundaried but boundary-less life. A small picture of life in God. Sara states:
“We fixate on our boundaries and limitations, such that we can’t imagine a world that has His limitations (the ones we resent most) but also is without boundaries and full of beauty to explore. We struggle to imagine a life where God offers us exceedingly, abundantly all that we ask or imagine but also says no. This paradox confounds us. That He would answer no to the loudest cries of our hearts and yet open heaven to release blessings that we couldn’t possible conceive snaps the caution tape we put around our lives.”
In conclusion, Sara stresses, the God of our wilderness also surrounds us with a creek to encircle us.
Today’s question: What Bible verses, hymns, or Christian books help you see the flashes of His face? Please share.
Tomorrow’s blog: “The boundaries we resent”