
Seeking success or seeking God?

“If I had to describe myself in one word now?  Seeker.  At twenty-two, I was driven by the desire to accomplish things for God.  Twenty-two years later, it’s not about seeking success.  It’s about seeking God.  And when you seek God, success will follow.”- Mark Batterson

“But seek first the kingdom of God and his righteousness, and all these things will be added to you.”- Matthew 6:33 (ESV)

Mark Batterson concludes Chapter 7 of A Trip around the Sun with a story about his interview required to obtain official credentials as a pastor.  Certainly, Mark expected theological questions and prepared for that.  But the wise old pastor sitting across from Mark asked him to describe himself in one word.  And without hesitation, Mark replied, “Driven.”

Above all, at the time Mark actually though he gave a great answer.  As a result, Mark quips, perhaps the committee might even bypass the licensing process and ordain him on the spot!  However, Mark acknowledges, over the years he’s shifted his approach.  He explains:

“I have shifted from an ASAP to an ALAT approach to life.  It’s not about accomplishing my goals as soon as possible.  It’s about as long as it takes (emphasis Mark’s).”

In addition, Mark underscores, God never settles for second place.  But the more you seek God first and spend time in His presence, the bigger your dreams become.  Therefore, Mark tries to steward whatever gifts God’s given him through formatting those gifts as goals.  Consequently, Mark directly links each goal he sets to a unique facet of his God-given wiring.  And the dreams God’s placed within him.

In conclusion, Mark exhorts:

“Goals are a way to go after things and live life to the fullest.  When you are going after a goal together, with people you care about, it cements a relationship unlike anything else.  If we share all that God has put in our hearts and are stewarding our gifts and talents collectively hi His name, the sky is the limit! . . .

Dependence upon God . . . keeps us hungry.  That’s what keeps us pressing in and pressing on.”

Today’s question: Do you most often find yourself seeking success or seeking Gd?

Tomorrow’s blog: “Accurately estimate need”

About the author 

Dave Henning

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