
Our Emmanuel – always available

“We rewire our brains through one powerful encounter with God after another until we can return often, safe in the refuge of His arms. . . .  Our brains are renewed as we fall back into the arms of God over and over and trust our Emmanuel is always available and care is always at hand.  This is the Emmanuel promise.”- Summer Joy Gross

“Unless you change and become like little children, you will never enter the kingdom of heaven.”- Matthew 18:3 (NIV)

In Chapter 5 (“Becoming Securely Attached”) of The Emmanuel Promise, Summer Joy Gross stresses that God designed us with the possibility of transformation written right into the code. Most significantly, Summer adds, the Holy Spirit possesses the key.

Furthermore, the author encourages, Emmanuel reaches out no matter where you are on your journey.  So, visualize His eyes shining toward you, His hand outstretched.  Above all, Emmanuel loves the word come.  In addition, no time stamp exists on His invitations to come.  Therefore, Summer exhorts, start now.

However, Summer counsels:

“Somewhere along the road, we stopped listening to our bodies’ basic messages.  We learned to grit it out and turn off the messages of our healthy needs.  We stopped crying out. . . .  Listening to our bodies becomes part of our journey to secure attachment in God.  It’s an invitation to become childlike. . . .

In order to develop an earned secure attachment, we start by relearning our instincts and listening to our needs.  Please note that I didn’t say obeying our instincts.  We listen and come, allowing God to discern them with us.”

In conclusion, Summer observes, we possess an instinctual search for nurture.  It’s woven into the fabric of our brains to keep us moving toward care.  Also, those needs serves as invitations to seek safety and connection.

Finally, the author underscores, in order for us to open ourselves to a new attachment to our Abba, the first step involves recognizing our need and turning toward Him.

Today’s question: What Bible verses strengthen the desire for our Emmanuel – always available?  Please share.

Tomorrow’s blog: “Hear the cry of our heart”

About the author 

Dave Henning

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