
Intentional silence – scary?

“Intentional silence, even for a mature Christian, can feel either scary or entirely superfluous, but when we make time for silence, we carve out space for transformation.  We have to detach in order to attach. . . .  We’re pushing aside outer noise and saying yes to an inner stillness where God has the chance to make Himself known.”- Summer Joy Gross (emphasis author’s)

“For thus said the LORD GOD, the Holy One of Israel, ‘In returning and rest you shall be saved; in quietness and in trust shall be your strength.”- Isaiah 30:15 (ESV)

In Chapter 17 (“Silence: Detach to Reattach”) of The Emmanuel Promise, Summer Joy Gross talks about entering into the presence of silence.  Hence, on a daily basis, Summer encourages you to find a quiet spot, perhaps outdoors.  Above all, leave your technology inside.  Lean in.  Because this is with-God time.

Furthermore, Summer suggests, on occasion schedule silence into your calendar.  The goal = spaciousness, presence, withness.  Consequently, Summer advises, do not:

  • put pressure on this time.
  • give silence an agenda.
  • ask it to perform.

Finally, reflect on your time of silence.  Think about how you felt as you entered the presence of silence.  If you carried your cell phone with you, how many times did you reach for it?  In addition, Summer asks, what was it like to just fellowship with God and not perform for Him?  Did you experience peace and joy?  Did your needs find their voice?

In conclusion, Summer explores the significance of desert or wilderness time:

“The wilderness (or desert) is where God invited an enslaved people to become His covenant people; it’s where the people of God received their attachment. . . .  As our attachment with God grows, we gain strength to turn from our own personal Egypts, all that’s kept us in slavery, and step into a new land, listening to Him call us His son or daughter.  Our identity as beloved is cultivated in silence and solitude.”

Today’s question: Does the practice of intentional silence cause you any distress?  Please share.

Tomorrow’s blog: “Culture of hurry detox”

About the author 

Dave Henning

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