
Cope with hope = bottom line

“Why does embracing our no-lose situation as Christians work to produce greater joy in us?  Bottom line, because we can cope with hope. . . .  If I am going into a situation where I know I cannot lose, I don’t lose any sleep over it.  Every believer in Jesus has this in their toolbox of faith.  The key is to keep this truth ever present in your mind.  If you do, your joy will increase.”- Randy Frazee

Randy Frazee concludes Principle #4 of The Joy Challenge as he observes that our joy rests in this confidence.  A confidence in God to keep His promise to us through our faith in Jesus.  No matter the earthly outcome.

Consequently, our confidence never needs to depend on the exhausting lifestyle of attempting to manipulate our circumstances.  An attempt to avoid going through a trial that we fear might bring us down.

Writing in Philippians, Dr. Gerald Hawthorne explains Paul’s invitation to possess a deeper definition of joy.  Dr. Hawthorne states:

“For Paul joy is more than a word or an emotion.  Joy is an understanding of existence that encompasses both elation and depression, . . .  because joy allow one to see beyond any particular event to the sovereign Lord who stands above all events and ultimately has control over them.”

In conclusion, Randy cites the research done by renowned sociologist Dr. Rodney Stark.  Dr. Stark examined the response of early Christians to two epidemics.  The first, which occurred in AD 165, is believed to be an outbreak of smallpox.  The second, in AD 250, likely involved measles.

In both cases, between 25 and 33 percent of the Western world population died.  At the first sign of disease, the pagans threw their infected family members out in the streets.  However, Christians chose to nurse family members back to health.  Above all, Christians went out into the streets and brought sick pagans into their homes.  Even though those sick pagans despised their Christian caregivers.

Love turned out to be more powerful than a virus.

Today’s question: What Bible verses enable you to cope with hope?  Please share.

Tomorrow’s blog: “Love differently than before”

About the author 

Dave Henning

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