“The betrayals happened to me. But the trust issues were happening in me. No one else could change this for me. I had to decide to do that. . . . If how I processed the betrayal was part of what got me into this mess, then reprocessing could surely help me find a way to get unstuck and out of this mess.”- Lysa TerKeurst
In Chapter 9 (“Ice Makers and Oceans”) of I Want to Trust You, but I Don’t, Lysa TerKeurst underscores one factor that makes broken trust feel incredibly unfair and hard to get through. Broken trust takes so much from you. Furthermore, the biggest limitation holding you back after experiencing a lot of broken trust involves your focus. Because when you focus on what you lost, you fail to see what you could gain.
Most significantly, two words indicate stuck-ness to Lysa: can’t and don’t. In addition, Lysa cautions us to tend well to this kind of processing. So that we avoid turning our can’ts and don’ts into won’ts. Hence, Lysa exhorts:
“Healing from betrayal and trust issues will be layered and can be complicated. It will take time. Probably more time than any of us will want it to. . . . My counselor loves to remind me that words frame our reality. If we believe, we can’t, chances are we won’t, , , ,
Don’t miss an opportunity to overcome an ‘I can’t’ or ‘I don’t’ today. You will see progress today. You will build your reliance muscles today. . . . Continuing to pursue relationships is risky. But the greater and more tragic risk is pulling inside of ourselves and giving up. . . . That’s your choice.”
In conclusion, Lysa encourages, being brave is something you do. You do it:
- in the face of fear and unknown outcomes and risks you don’t really want to take
- when your enemy is staring you down with taunting statements of defeat.
- not to prove there’s something great inside you, but because if you don’t, something will die inside you.
- because it’s time to rise up and speak up and let truth find its freedom with your voice.
Today’s question: What Scriptures help you deal with betrayals and trust issues? Please share.
Tomorrow’s blog: “A healthier version of myself”