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No expiration date on prayer
“Prayer is the difference between the best we can do and the best God can do. And that’s a big difference! . . . Prayer is escape velocity. It’s how we get outside our spacetime limitations. It’s like our prayers exit the dimension we call time, and we never know when or where or how
Annotated Bibliography
January 19, 2025
Short Meditations
January 20, 2025
“In a world that politicizes almost everything, we are called to theologize. Yes, that’s a word. It’s thinking about things in theological terms. What things? Everything. I might add, and ....
” ‘The secret to love — and a sense of joy and gratitude toward all of life,’ said M. J. Ryan, ‘is to see, feel, and hear as if for ....
“It’s not intellectual propositions that make most of us believers. According to English apologist Francis Spufford, it’s feelings. ‘I assent to the ideas because I have feelings,’ said Spufford. ‘I ....
“Pleasure is a divine decree that we ignore at our peril. For it is precisely in enjoying the world God has made that we show we have grasped the goodness ....
“Jesus pushed the playfulness envelope further than anyone. He said that we can’t enter the kingdom of heaven unless we become like little children, and part of becoming like little ....
“This is what the Celtic Christians call a thin place — a place where heaven invades earth, a place where eternity invades time. We are a little more alive because ....