All posts in " bystander effect "

First responders or concerned bystanders?

By Dave Henning / April 18, 2022

“Instead of seeing ourselves as ‘first responders,’ we settle for being ‘concerned bystanders.’  As concerned bystanders, we can feel good about ourselves for feeling concerned while avoiding the risks of responding.”- Kyle Idleman Kyle Idleman moves on in Chapter 4 of One At a Time as he talks about three things we commonly say to […]


Running the race marked out for us

By Dave Henning / May 30, 2019

“The Bible doesn’t tell us to mark out our race just the way we like it and run — it’s been marked out for us, so we don’t choose its difficulty level, nor do we receive a map of the obstacles that lie ahead. . . .  One way we know we’re running the race […]


The quiet hum

By Dave Henning / April 20, 2016

“And with all the traffic raging around you, I pray that you will hear only the quiet hum.”- Matt Bays Chapter 17 (“The Quiet Hum- My Life for the Glory of God”) is the concluding chapter of Finding God in the Ruins.  Matt Bays asserts that at times it is appropriate- and even right- to […]

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