All posts in " condemnation "

Glossing over sin never heals

By Dave Henning / March 20, 2024

“Glossing over sin never heals inward shame. . . .  Downplaying sin is an ill-applied salve.  When there’s no honest admission of sin accompanied by authoritative, Jesus-centered forgiveness, condemnation broods. . . .  Jesus, the Eternal Word, the one who stood in heavenly glory, . . stooped.  He took on a body of dust like […]


Extravagant gift of salvation

By Dave Henning / January 31, 2024

“Why would anybody turn down such an extravagant gift (salvation)?  They want to be in control. . . .  I think our rejection of God’s gift hurts His [feelings] too.  He wants us to have the best for our lives, and we can’t get it on our own.  We have to become like children — […]


Humble boldness = courage

By Dave Henning / July 23, 2023

“Love doesn’t compromise its convictions, but it’s moved by compassion.  There is a way to disagree agreeably, but it takes humble boldness.  Humility is the willingness to admit fault when you’re wrong.  Boldness is the willingness to risk your reputation for what’s right.  It takes tremendous courage to live according to your convictions.”- Mark Batterson […]


Condemnation in proximity to love

By Dave Henning / March 14, 2023

“Modern people struggle with the idea of a wrathful God who condemns, yet [in John 3:16-18] the Bible puts condemnation in proximity to the most famous verse on love. . . .  Indeed, the Bible tells us that in God, not only are [his love and anger] not in tension, but they are meaningless apart […]


Compassion instead of condemnation

By Dave Henning / April 22, 2022

“If [the woman caught in adultery] was defined by her sin, it would make sin the ultimate power and authority.  But God is the ultimate power and authority, and she was defined by his love.  All of that became a reality to her because Jesus showed her compassion instead of condemnation.”- Kyle Idleman As Kyle […]


It’s the heart that believes

By Dave Henning / July 3, 2018

“The head might know, but it’s the heart that believes.”- Christa Black Gifford Christa Black Gifford continues Chapter 6 of Heart Made Whole as she explores the first two languages of the heart: thoughts and words. 1.  The Language of Thoughts.  Even though your head might know, Ms. Gifford observes, it’s your heart that believes.  […]


Embraced by God – making space for others

By Dave Henning / December 25, 2017

“Having been embraced by God, we must make space for others in ourselves and invite them in.”- Miroslav Volf, Exclusion and Embrace “Accept one another then, just as Christ has accepted you.”- Romans 15:7 9NIV) In Chapter 11 (“This Time It’s Personal: Dealing with Acceptance and Rejection”) of I’d Like You More . . . […]


Responding to angry people

By Dave Henning / July 27, 2016

Dr. Gary Chapman suggests seven steps for responding to angry people in Chapter 13 (“Confronting an Angry Person”) of Anger.  Dr. Chapman discusses the first three steps in today’s blog; 1.  Listen. You validate an angry person by listening to his story.  Once you’ve heard the story, ask him to repeat it.  As a result, […]


The emergency exit

By Dave Henning / May 28, 2016

“It’s [Romans 8:1] the emergency exit from if only and the main entrance to what if.”- Mark Batterson Mark Batterson continues his discussion of Romans 8:1 in Chapter 4 (“Double Take”) of If.  Mark strongly believes that the first verse of Romans 8 should be our first thought every morning.  There’s no better way to […]


No condemnation

By Dave Henning / May 26, 2016

“Therefore, there is now no condemnation for those who are in Christ Jesus.”- Romans 8:1 “We can’t get on with our lives because we can’t get past the past.  Instead of living in the here and now, we’re living back then and back there.”- Mark Batterson In Chapter 3 (“Can’t Forget”) of If, Mark Batterson […]

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