All posts in " creativity "

Seize opportunities to serve

By Dave Henning / April 24, 2019

“Christianity was never intended to be a noun.  And when we turn it into a noun, it becomes a turnoff.  Christianity was always intended to be a verb.  We’ve got to act on God ideas. . . .  Obey the prompting of the Holy Spirit.  We’ve got to seize opportunities to serve.”- Mark Batterson In […]


A God-created capacity to rethink

By Dave Henning / April 21, 2019

“I never want to become a closed system.  I never want to feel like I have it all figured out. . . .  to quit trying new things.  Why?  Because God didn’t just create us with the capacity to think.  He created us with the capacity to rethink.”- Mark Batterson As Mark Batterson continues Chapter […]


Let your dreams grow

By Dave Henning / November 9, 2016

“Allow yourself the opportunity to let your dreams grow as the shifting happens.”- Tom Eggebrecht Pastor Tom Eggebrecht writes in Chapter 15 (“Diversify Your Dream”) of Fully and Creatively Alive that diversifying provides one way of letting your dreams grow.  Most noteworthy, the key involves being mindful of your talents, as accountant Daniel Robinson explains: […]


Resist the Resistance

By Dave Henning / November 8, 2016

“Use every tool at your disposal to resist the Resistance, push through the trouble, climb the mountains and get the work done.”- Tom Eggebrecht In Chapter 14 (“Resist the Resistance”) of Fully and Creatively Alive, Tom Eggebrecht recommends reading The War of Art by Steven Pressfield.   Writing in The War of Art, Pressfield puts his […]


The help of other people

By Dave Henning / November 6, 2016

“Your dream doesn’t come alive without the help of other people.  Make it a point to meet new people every day.”- Tom Eggebrecht In Chapter 11 (“Don’t Do It Alone”) of Fully and Creatively Alive, Tom Eggebrecht states that when people work together in teams, creativity grows.  Furthermore, a web of relationships develops. Yet, even […]


The sentences of life

By Dave Henning / October 30, 2016

“The sentences of life give you a fill-in-the-blank every now and then.”- Tom Eggebrecht In Chapter 2 (“God, the Creative”) of Fully and Completely Alive, Pastor Tom Eggebrecht reminds us that God built creativity right into us.  As human beings, we’re the most intelligent, thoughtful, and emotional of God’s creation. Clothed with the colors of […]


Living out your total potential

By Dave Henning / October 29, 2016

” . . . being fully and creatively alive . . . means living out your total potential and doing it with uniqueness and flair.”- Tom Eggebrecht In the Introduction to Fully and Creatively Alive: How to Live a More Joyfully Fulfilling Life, Tom Eggebrecht sets forth his conviction that being fully and creatively alive […]


Criticize by creating

By Dave Henning / October 1, 2016

“Criticize by creating.”- attributed to Michelangelo Mark Batterson concludes Chapter 2 of Chase the Lion by talking about the day the prophet Samuel showed up on David’s doorstep.  As usual, David was tending the sheep, as he did day in and day out.  Yet, David’s earthly father failed to foresee David’s promise.  He saw nothing more, or less, than […]

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