All posts in " culture "

Irrelevance – no connection to surrounding culture

By Dave Henning / November 11, 2018

“Irrelevance happens when the language, methods, or styles you use no longer connect to the culture and people around you.  Essentially, you end up speaking a language people no longer understand or appreciate.”- Carey Nieuwhof In Chapter 7 (“Change Never Asks Permission”) of Didn’t See It Coming, Carey Nieuwhof talks about the silent creep of […]


Feel- good Christianity

By Dave Henning / September 26, 2016

“Feel- good Christianity — a faith in which we only follow the Lord, obey His commands, and read His Word when we feel like it.”- Ron Luce In Chapter 1 (“Feel- Good Faith”) of Resilience: Bounce Back Stronger- No Matter What Knocks You Down, Ron Luce states that, in order to build the type of […]


The truth is your friend

By Dave Henning / October 13, 2015

Bill Hybels continues Chapter 4 of Simplify by stating he finds it helpful to filter your former job- or any revitalized and revisioned vocation you’re seeking in the future- through four foundational alignments: passion, culture, challenge, and compensation.  The first two alignments will be discussed today. 1.  Passion.  God wired each of us with a […]

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