All posts in " judgment "

The Enemy’s lies sow seeds of doubt

By Dave Henning / December 18, 2018

” . . . when we suffer, we are susceptible to the lies that the Enemy whispers in our ears. . . .  The function of all these lies is to sow seeds of doubt in our hearts when we feel the weakest, the most afraid, and are reaching out for help.  The Enemy is […]


On the receiving end of judgment or mistreatment

By Dave Henning / November 9, 2017

“When I’m on the receiving end of judgment or mistreatment, I get to carve a space in my prayer closet where only one voice matters.  When rough hands hurt what is tender within me, I get to scoot up next to the one whose hands formed me.”- Sara Hagerty “And they criticized her sharply.”- Mark […]


Blessing and cursing

By Dave Henning / May 14, 2016

“The Scriptures take blessing and cursing very seriously; they are considered real and actual forces, with real and lasting effects.”- John Eldredge “Bless those who persecute you; bless and do not curse.”- Romans 12:14 John Eldredge turns to a  form of prayer that often brings the most dramatic and immediate results- prayer that banishes the […]

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