All posts in " life goals "

Reverse engineer your life goals

By Dave Henning / February 18, 2022

“Goals are the desired outcomes, but you have to identify the input that will produce those results.  You have to reverse engineer your life goals and turn them into daily habits.”- Mark Batterson Mark Batterson concludes his Introduction to Do It for a Day as he asks you to pick a habit for the thirty-day […]


Plodding one day at a time – daily habits

By Dave Henning / May 5, 2021

“Imagining unborn tomorrows isn’t just plotting for the distant future.  It’s plodding one day at a time.  It’s putting one foot in front of the other when you don’t feel like doing so.  Life goals have to translate into daily habits!  You have to wind the clock on your dreams every day.”- Mark Batterson “Jonathan […]


Life goal list

By Dave Henning / February 17, 2016

Mark Batterson begins Chapter 15 (“Life Goal List”) of The Circle Maker by telling a story about American adventurer and explorer John Goddard.  On a rainy afternoon in 1940, Goddard, then fifteen, wrote a list of 127 life goals.  Pastor Batterson’s favorite Goddard goal is one Goddard never achieved: Visit the moon.  Mark reminds us […]


Your one- word commitment

By Dave Henning / October 7, 2015

Bill Hybels builds on his discussion of drafting a new proactive, holistic schedule in Chapter 2 of Simplify by stating you must begin with the right question.  That question needs to reflect your most important life goals.  Pastor Hybels emphasizes being intentional- not just thinking, but doing: “Anyone can change direction in life, add or […]

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