All posts in " non-discipleship "

Done With That: Escaping the Struggle . . .

By Dave Henning / November 14, 2019

Done With That (David C. Cook, 2019) Done With That: Escaping the Struggle of Your Old Life, is the third book written by Bob Merritt, senior pastor of Eagle Brook Church in the Twin Cities area.  Above all, Pastor Merritt believes there’s power in saying I’m done with that!  And saying that really involves the […]


The cost of discipleship and non-discipleship

By Dave Henning / October 15, 2019

“The cost of discipleship is real, but the cost of non-discipleship is a life that never improves and stays stuck in relational breakdown and personal strife.”- Bob Merritt As Bob Merritt continues Chapter 1 of Done With That, he observes that it’s hard to let certain little annoyances  go for the sake of relationships.  Furthermore, […]

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