All posts in " piggyback "

Kingdom Heroes: Building a Strong Faith. . .

By Dave Henning / November 19, 2022

Kingdom Heroes: Building a Strong Faith . . . Harvest House published Dr. Tony Evans’ book Kingdom Heroes: Building a Strong Faith That Endures in 2021.  Dr. Evans is the founder and senior pastor of Oak Cliff Fellowship in Dallas, Texas.  To live as a kingdom hero, Dr. Evans stresses, you need endurance based on […]


Habit stacking – come awake, come awake!

By Dave Henning / March 22, 2021

“Habit stacking is . . . coupling a habit that comes easy . . . with a habit that requires a little more discipline. . . .  Habit stacking is designing daily rituals by leveraging everyday activities.”- Mark Batterson Now when Jesus came to the district of Caesarea Philippi, he asked his disciples, .  . […]

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