All posts in " redeem "

God loves dirt – God made dirt

By Dave Henning / December 28, 2020

“God loves dirt.  God made dirt.  After creating all other living things through the power of His Word, God knelt down into the dust, forming humanity with His own hands. . . . with human beings, God got His hands dirty.”- Rev. Jeffrey Leininger “Then the LORD God formed the man of dust from the […]


Never called to redeem the world

By Dave Henning / March 12, 2020

“We are never called to redeem the world. ‘Savior of humanity’ is not on your job description or mine.  Encourage, correct, applaud, and admonish?  By all means.  But save the world?  In no way.  There is only one Messiah and one throne.  He isn’t you, and the throne isn’t yours.”- Max Lucado “Finally, you should […]


Our present life

By Dave Henning / April 30, 2016

“Our present life feels like a real fight as if there was something pretty wild in the universe which we needed to redeem.”-William James In Chapter 5 (“Bold Authority”) of Moving Mountains, John Eldredge comments on words that get tacked onto the end of many prayers, yet seem to lack little of their original punch-“In […]

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