All posts in " witness "

Witness versus with-ness

By Dave Henning / June 12, 2023

“Suffering with someone while being attuned to them is powerful; it conveys a sacred solidarity. . . .  This is the key difference between the idea of a ‘witness’ and ‘with-ness.’  A witness can observe what has happened — which certainly matters.  But ‘with-ness’ implies that the person has resolved to be in it with […]


Withness and witness – the WayMaker

By Dave Henning / July 13, 2022

“What the WayMaker is always making a way to is life with Him.  What our brokenness ultimately needs are withness and witness.  No way is wrong if it’s with Him and every is good if it’s in Him.”- Ann Voskamp (emphasis Ann’s) And you [Moses] shall say to him, The LORD, the God of the […]


Salt and light – witness, service, friendship

By Dave Henning / December 18, 2020

Christians fulfill important callings in every place they reside, being salt and light (Matthew 5:13-16) through witness, service, and friendship. . . .  These can seem insignificant and even bothersome, but wherever God places you, He also calls you.  These are often the most life-impacting callings we have.”- Rev. Jeffrey Leininger “Let you light shine […]

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