The right end of the telescope

By Dave Henning / April 9, 2012

The first century philosopher Epictetus (cited by John Ortberg in When the Game is Over, It All Goes Back in the Box) once stated: “This is our predicament.  Over and over again, we lose sight of what is important and what isn’t.”

On this glorious Easter Sunday, as we rejoice in Jesus’ ultimate victory over sin and death, God passes by, or reveals Himself, in a magnificent way.

When our grand celebration of Easter is over, when family and friends have gone their separate ways, God will continue to pass by- in a still, small voice; in a friend’s words of comfort; in the beauty of a spring or summer day, teeming with new life.

When we focus on God’s everyday blessings, as John Ortberg would say, we’ll be looking through the right end of the telescope.

About the author

Dave Henning


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