All posts in " faithfulness "

Success is succession

By Dave Henning / July 14, 2024

“In my book, success is succession. . . .  If your influence ends with you, it wasn’t worth your time and effort.  Your life is a dead end.  But if you influence the next generation, you won’t just enter eternity when you die.  You will live on in the lives of those you leave behind.”- […]


The call to justice = faithfulness

By Dave Henning / February 26, 2023

“We are not called to fix the world but to faithfully respond with the resources, strength, and love we have. . . .  The call to justice is not about fruitfulness but faithfulness. . . .  In God’s way of doing things, the small, hidden, incremental acts of love have a way of being harnessed […]


Back burner relationships – neglect

By Dave Henning / November 14, 2021

“Our friends and family members rarely shout the loudest to demand our attention, and so it can be tempting for us to place those relationships on the back burner.  But if we neglect the people we ought to care about most, we may find that when crisis hits, and we need the support of our […]


The ultimate measure of friends

By Dave Henning / September 30, 2021

“The ultimate measure of friends is where they stand in times of challenge and controversy.  That being the case, apart from adversity of some kind, we would never know who our faithful friends really are.  In the same way, we will never know in a personal way the faithfulness of Christ apart from adversity.  Without […]


Usher us into obedience – a long wait?

By Dave Henning / August 24, 2021

“If we are waiting for someone to come alongside us and usher us into obedience, we might be waiting at the end of the aisle for a long time.  So the question becomes, Will you rise above the doubt that comes when doing this alone?”- Nicki Koziarz ” ‘For in seven days I will send […]


Your prayers aligning with His faithfulness

By Dave Henning / March 18, 2021

“God’s faithfulness isn’t demonstrated by HIs activity aligning with your prayers.  It’s your prayers aligning with His faithfulness and His will where you become more and more assured of His activity.  Even if, maybe especially if, His activity and His answers don’t look like you thought they would.”- Lysa TerKeurst “You though you were being […]


Sweating the small stuff = faithfulness

By Dave Henning / December 24, 2020

“Faithfulness in the ordinary, everyday callings of life — ‘sweating the small stuff.’ so to speak — is the beginning of any great task and a virtue of any great person. . . .  we are called to be faithful in the smallest and largest of callings.  God sees us ‘sweating the small stuff,’ and […]


A little Saul in each of us – let God do the work

By Dave Henning / October 5, 2020

“I think there is a little Saul in each of us.  Part of us wants God to defeat the enemy while we sit under a pomegranate tree on the outskirts of Gibeah.  We want God to do something for us without having to do anything for God.  But if we don’t do anything, nothing will […]


Left alone in our thoughts – a dangerous place

By Dave Henning / April 24, 2020

“Being left alone in our thoughts is a dangerous place to be.  We begin conspiring about how to manipulate people or circumstances to make our new name or calling come about instead of leaving it in God’s hands. . . .  If we’re walking with God in the newness of the Christian life, God will […]


A greater level of service, sacrifice

By Dave Henning / April 16, 2020

Our new names call us to a greater level of service, sacrifice, and faithfulness than our old names could handle.  It will require faith to lean into our new name even before we fully see it and understand it. . . .  Believe that God has a new name for you that is better than […]


Repeated positive activity – devote yourself

By Dave Henning / December 9, 2019

“Devote yourself to repeated positive activity that grows steadily over time.  The challenge with this type of movement is that you rarely detect forward progress from day to day. . . .  Coming to grips with the slow speed at which goodness travels it critical if you are to maintain the long, persistent journey of […]


An endurance race – faithfulness

By Dave Henning / November 30, 2019

“Faithfulness is an endurance race and is most successful when traveled in the company of those who encourage our steady movement.”- Jeff Manion “Two are better than one, because they have a good return for their labor.  If either one of them falls down, one can help the other up.  But pity anyone who falls […]

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