All posts in " Holy Spirit "

Middle-of-the-marketplace Messiah

By Dave Henning / June 25, 2024

“[Jesus] was a middle-of-the-marketplace Messiah, who rubbed elbows with the masses.  He hung out at wells and in living rooms and on hillsides and invited anyone and everyone to join Him.  He didn’t come with an agenda.  He was the agenda. . . .  With His grace, with His truth, He lets us get in […]


A soft reset – forgiveness

By Dave Henning / July 24, 2023

“Salvation is a hard reset; our sin is forgiven and forgotten.  We are justified, just as if we had never sinned.  But forgiveness is a soft reset.  It’s something you need to do over and over again.”- Mark Batterson “However, as it is written: ‘What no eye has seen, what no ear has heard, and […]


Nothing appears in visible form

By Dave Henning / December 17, 2022

“Of [the Holy Spirit] nothing appears in visible form.  He never steps out from the intangible void.  Hovering, undefined, incomprehensible.  He remains a mystery.  He is as the wind.  We can hear its sound, but can not tell whence it cometh and whither it goeth.  Eyes can not see Him, ear can not hear Him, […]


The Holy Spirit comes with power

By Dave Henning / December 14, 2022

“Mark it down.  The Holy Spirit comes with power.  Power to make good choices, keep promises, and silence the inner voices of fear and failure. . . .  Power to face the unexpected passages of time. . . .  This is what Jesus promised then, and this is what Jesus promises now.”- Max Lucado “But […]


Holy Spirit veto power

By Dave Henning / March 1, 2022

“Morality is not rooted in an opinion poll.  It’s not decided by the Supreme Court either!  My advice?  Let your conscience be your guide.  Scripture is our final authority.  If you’re going to live a countercultural life, you’ve got to give the Holy Spirit veto power.”- Mark Batterson Mark Batterson concludes Day 7 of Do […]


Listening to something – house you live in

By Dave Henning / August 19, 2021

“Each day you and I are listening to something.  The hard days seem to be the days when doubt shouts its greatest lies.  But what you listen to becomes the house you live in.  God is always speaking. . . .  Most of the time, we are the ones who struggle to listen.  And this […]


Catching the wind of the Spirit

By Dave Henning / July 11, 2021

“The S Stage is like catching the wind of the Spirit in your sail.  Devoted to the Lord’s service and empowered by the Holy Spirit, we can have sustaining joy and power. . . .  We’re learning to integrate our work and prayer in the Cycle of Grace, so our doing flows out of being […]


Merely eclipsed for a moment

By Dave Henning / May 30, 2021

“Satan tried to snuff out Peter’s faith, but it was merely eclipsed for a moment.  This can happen to any of us, and probably will.  Peter fell in the dirt of doubt, but he rose again a few days later. . . .  Perter felt disqualified because of his failure and went back to doing […]


A full and holistic Christian life

By Dave Henning / November 2, 2020

“Regardless of where you are in your spiritual life, the Holy Spirit is applicable to you because the Spirit is necessary to experience a full and holistic Christian life.  God the Spirit enables and empowers us to do exactly what God has invited us to do and become who God created us to be. . […]


Let God unshell you – discover your language

By Dave Henning / August 25, 2019

“Let God unshell you.  And when he does, ‘make a careful exploration of who you are and the work you have been given, and then sink yourself into that’ (Galatians6:4, MSG).  Don’t miss the opportunity to discover your language.”- Max Lucado In Chapter 3 (“Let God Unshell You”) of Outlive Your Life, Max Lucado observes […]


The Holy Spirit – a package deal

By Dave Henning / April 3, 2019

“You cannot listen to just half of what the Holy Spirit has to say.  It’s a package deal.  If you aren’t willing to listen to everything He has to say, you won’t hear anything He has to say.  If you tune out his convicting voice, you won’t hear His comforting voice or guiding voice either.”- […]


God blesses with His intervening grace

By Dave Henning / December 29, 2018

“In your most confused and emotional moments, you are far from alone because God blesses you with his intervening grace. . . .  at that very moment you’re groaning, the Spirit is representing you and your needs to the Father.”- Paul David Tripp Paul David Tripp continues Chapter 9 of Suffering as he discusses intervening […]

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