Rainbow days vs. ordinary days

In Chapter 2 of God is Closer Than You Think, author John Ortberg contrasts rainbow days with ordinary days.  Rainbow days are days when God’s presence is unmistakable.  Wise people learn to treasure rainbow days as gifts and store them up to recall during those times when God seems more elusive- those ordinary days.

The major problem with ordinary days is that a spiritual malaise tends to set in.  It often goes unnoticed because it is so subtle and gradual.  Pastor Ortberg describes it as “spiritual attention deficit disorder”.  Given a choice, rainbow days would seem to be a slam-dunk.  Yet the author asserts that quite the opposite is true, that God wants us to learn to “see Him in the ordinary rather than be dependent on the extraordinary.”

All things considered, perhaps ordinary days aren’t so “ordinary” after all, but a required course for us to experience God’s presence and glory through the inner eyes of the soul.  As William Berry writes in Finding God in All Things:

“Whether we are aware of it or not, at every moment of our existence we are encountering God, Father, Son, and Holy Spirit, who is trying to get our attention, trying to draw us into a reciprocal, conscious relationship.”



About the author

Dave Henning

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