Untying life’s knots

By Dave Henning / November 15, 2014

“And we all, with unveiled face, beholding the glory of the Lord, are being transformed into the same image from one degree of glory to another.  For this comes from the Lord who is the Spirit.”- 2 Corinthians 3:18

Author and pastor Max Lucado begins Next Door Savior with the statement that Jesus is near enough to touch and strong enough to trust. Jesus is our next door Savior:

“The cache of Christianity is Christ. . . . Fellowship with him.  Walking with him.  Pondering him.  Exploring him.  The heart-stopping realization that in him you are part of something ancient, endless, unstoppable, and unfathomable.”

As we behold Jesus, Max adds, we become like him.  Pastor Lucado tells of the time an opera singer came to his church and sat in the pew behind Max.  While the man’s appearance didn’t give him away, his voice did.  And when he sang, Pastor Lucado was emboldened to sing his best.

There’s no person Jesus won’t touch.  A friend of Pastor Lucado’s (Ray) was sitting on a park bench as a young boy struggled to board the bus, unable to tie his shoe.  As the school bus left without him, he turned to Ray and said, “Do you untie knots?”

Max concludes that Jesus loves untying life’s knots:

“Jesus loves that request.  Life gets tangled.  People mess up.  You never outgrow the urge to look up and say ‘Help!’  Jesus has a way of appearing at such moments.”

Today’s question: What knots have you asked Jesus to untie following your ministry downsizing or vocation loss?  Please share.

Tomorrow’s blog: “Part of His family”

About the author

Dave Henning

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