Connecting with God

By Dave Henning / October 1, 2015

Today Bill Hybels discusses the first key (of five) to replenishing our souls.

1.  Connecting with God.  Pastor Hybels unequivocally states the single biggest bucket-filler in his life is being firmly hand-in-hand with God (emphasis author’s).   Pastor Hybels adds that when he is really connected with God, he’s quicker to stay on God’s agenda and is far less concerned about other people’s opinions of him as well as their plans or expectations for his life.

Connecting with God filters out the noise of everyone else who wants our attention.  When we’re in a right relationship with God, Pastor Hybels notes, our identity is secured and our agenda is simplified.  We’re not tempted to run out and do things that God sees as totally irrelevant.

Furthermore, being intentional about spending time with God every day is the antidote to one particular energy-killer: image management.  Secure in  our identity as children of God, we are free to commit our energy to God’s agenda for our lives.  As the author concludes:

“Life is much simpler when we have only one agenda to meet: God’s.”

Tomorrow Pastor Hybels will discuss the remaining keys to replenishing our souls- family, satisfying work, recreation, and exercise.

Today’s question: What Bible verses have strengthened your intentionality in connecting with God?  Please share.

Tomorrow’s blog: “Re- create energy and vitality”


About the author

Dave Henning

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