Your one- word commitment

By Dave Henning / October 7, 2015

Bill Hybels builds on his discussion of drafting a new proactive, holistic schedule in Chapter 2 of Simplify by stating you must begin with the right question.  That question needs to reflect your most important life goals.  Pastor Hybels emphasizes being intentional- not just thinking, but doing:

“Anyone can change direction in life, add or subtract priorities and activities, or reshuffle the matrix to put priorities in a better order.  That’s the transformative power of a schedule.”

There is the power of even a single word that’s written on your schedule and lived out.  American novelist John Grisham was an unhappy attorney who wanted to become an author.  He started by writing a one- word commitment to himself on the early-morning squares of his monthly calendar: “Write.”  He began by coming to work one hour early and writing one page per day.

Pastor Hybels encourages you that a one- word commitment on a calendar can change your life.  To do so, you should analyze and list the parts of your life in need of a do-over or makeover.  By using the calendar as a holistic tool for every area of your life, you can be certain your calendar is centered on things that matter to you.

Next, the author examines places in our lives that could benefit from holistic scheduling.

Today’s question: What is your one- word commitment?  Please share.

Tomorrow’s blog: “Chair time with God”

About the author

Dave Henning

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