The most critical test

By Dave Henning / March 1, 2017

“The most critical test you will ever face is the test for suffering when you did nothing wrong.”- Dr. Tony Evans

In Chapter 5 (“The Proof of Detours”) of Detours, Dr. Tony Evans notes that when we run into detour after detour, they seem to replicate and multiply rather than taking us anywhere meaningful.  Yet, Dr. Evans states, detours are necessary:

“Granted, detours are anything but convenient. . . . they are necessary.  God is more interested in your development than your arrival.  He cares more for your character than your comfort, your purity than your productivity.”

In addition, Dr. Evans describes several ways you follow to help you  determine and confirm the existence of a God-ordained detour.  Dr. Evans presents the first way today.

1.  Suffering when you did nothing wrong.  Your struggle is the exact place God wants you to be.  The author explains this concept:

“When you do exactly what God has told you to do and you have to pay a price tag for it, you are paying a penalty for righteousness’ sake. . . . on an intended detour that will test and strengthen both your character and  your resolve if you will let it.”

In conclusion, Dr. Evans states, removal from all hope reveals the true constitution of your heart.  Do you throw in the towel and give up, or press on in obedience to the Lord.  As God’s chosen child, He desires you to set a high standard, reflecting Him in your life.  Adversity molds and shapes your character, as Dr. Evans writes:

“The greater the calling the deeper the pit.  The higher the destiny, the tighter the shackles.  The more glorious the future, the more persecuted the present.”

Today’s question: What defines the most critical test you’ve faced?  Please share.

Tomorrow’s blog: “Look for Him in your detour”

About the author

Dave Henning

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