
Just embrace the shake

“Why don’t you just embrace the shake?”- artist Phil Hansen’s neurologist

“My grace is sufficient for you, for my power is made perfect in weakness.”- 2 Corinthians 12:9 (ESV)

In chapter 9 (“More Powerful Than Your Weakness”) of Grace Is Greater, Kyle Idleman tells the story of artist Phil Hansen.  Phil worked for years toward developing expertise in the technique of pointillism.  However, years of tediously making tiny dots left him with permanent never damage.  Thus, it left him unable to hold his hand steady.

Most importantly, Phil’s breakthrough came when his neurologist pointedly asked, “Why don’t you just embrace the shake?”  As a result, Phil’s limitations turned into a catalyst for creativity.

As Pastor Idleman notes, it’s quite difficult to “embrace the shake.”  We live in a culture that highlights strengths and hides weaknesses.  Yet, we all experience times when we must confront the truth of our limitations.  Then, our powerlessness sets the stage for us to experience  God’s total power and presence.  In addition, moments of pain possess the greatest potential to fill us with God’s power.

Next, Kyle describes the relationship between grace and weakness.  He explains:

“Grace enables us to celebrate our weakness.  When we celebrate our weakness, it opens the floodgates for grace to pour into our lives.  When grace pours into our lives, it allows us to celebrate our weakness all the more.  It’s a circle, a beautiful circle.”

Therefore, identify the areas where you don’t have what it takes.  Also, be intentional in asking for God’s help.  In the process, His grace and power abound.  In contrast, refusing to be honest about your struggles and weakness costs you much more.

Today’s question: In what area(s) do you need to just embrace the shake?”  Please share.

Tomorrow’s blog: “The more we need to lean on God”

About the author 

Dave Henning

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