When our wounds meet the Healer

By Dave Henning / November 16, 2017

“When our wounds meet the Healer, we begin to live from new places of restoration instead of just working to avoid these old aches.”- Sara Hagerty

“The Spirit of the Sovereign LORD is upon me, because the LORD has anointed me to preach good news to the poor.  He has sent me to bind up the brokenhearted, to proclaim freedom for the captives and release for the prisoners.”- Isaiah 61:1 (NIV)

In Chapter 11 (“God Is For Us: Healing in the Hiding”) of Unseen, Sara Hagerty stresses we must remember and acknowledge our pain.  For that pain creates space and emptiness as well as looks to God for healing.

Most noteworthy, Ms. Hagerty expresses surprise that, when she lifts all her hurts, big and small, to God, God shows up to heal everything.  Thus, even our little aches or obstinate quirks we accept about ourselves are places God can heal.  In addition, God brings His fresh perspective.  But, we need to acknowledge old wounds before God speaks a healing word over them.

Therefore, we must trust God more than we believe our fears.  We start as we see ourselves in need of healing.  So, as Sara explains, God hides us:

“He takes us into a place where the opinions of others fail us.  Where we can’t see through our fears.  That’s where He speaks to us.  And the longing that comes from being hidden makes us more aware of our brokenness, more receptive to His healing, than we’d ever be in the light of the world’s applause.

In conclusion, Ms. Hagerty emphasizes, our broken pieces feel lighter when we see God as healer.  We desire more of the nearness we feel when we break before Him.  Sara comments on our broken parts:

“When we acknowledge the parts of us that are broken we have significant growth spurts in God. . . . The long-broken parts of me don’t disqualify me from His love.  Instead, the catch His eye.  He heals us – from the inside out.”

Today’s question: How do you live from new places of restoration as your wounds meet the Healer?  Please share.

Tomorrow’s blog: “The key that unlocks the deepest joy”

About the author

Dave Henning

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