Bring peace to the conflict within

By Dave Henning / August 24, 2018

“The well-meaning, but quarreling, parts of your personality require healthy boundaries.  Thankfully, you have what it takes to establish these boundaries and bring peace to the conflict within.”- Alison Cook and Kimberly Miller

In Chapter 2 (“Your Spirit-led Self”) of Boundaries for Your Soul, Alison Cook and Kimberly Miller note why we all struggle with troubling thoughts and overwhelming emotions.  That’s because your thoughts and feelings belong to distinct parts of your personality.  And each of them vies for control.  Thus, each well-meaning part carries its own agenda.  Each part wants your full attention, believing it’s strategy is the best to employ.

Therefore, Alison and Kimberly stress, each part of your personality requires healthy boundaries.  Through the power of the Holy Spirit, you possess the ability to bring peace to the conflict within.

Jesus showed us how to live.  In addition, He sends the Holy Spirit to dwell in the hearts of His followers.  God responds to our human brokenness.  He transforms our souls from the inside out.

Most noteworthy, the authors, state, on Pentecost the Jewish people commemorated the day God gave the Ten Commandments to the Israelites assembled at Mount Sinai.  Although God gave Moses stone tablets, when the disciples gathered in the Upper Room that Pentecost Day, God wrote His law on their hearts.

However, some parts of your soul stubbornly resist God’s will.  So, having the Holy Spirit within doesn’t automatically bring perfect peace and joy.  But, you can invite the Holy Spirit to partner with the troubled parts of yourself.  As a result, you befriend and lead your soul’s unruly parts into an abundant life.

In conclusion, the authors exhort:

“God has given you agency.  He invites you to participate in the work he is doing in your life.  Your task is to trust neither your thoughts nor your feelings, but to lead them in step with God’s Spirit.  As you do, you can turn the most challenging parts of your soul into your greatest allies.”

Today’s question: How does the Holy Spirit empower you to bring peace to the conflict within?  Please share.

Tomorrow’s blog: “Self-control without repression”

About the author

Dave Henning

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