The driving force behind greed

By Dave Henning / February 1, 2019

“Fear is the driving force behind greed.  Fear fuels greed. . . .  Greed is supported by an endless cast of what ifs.”- Andy Stanley

Then he (Jesus) said, “Watch out!  Be on your guard against all kinds of greed; life does not consist in an abundance of possessions.”- Luke 12:51 (NIV)

In Chapter 8 (“Greed: I Owe Me”) of Enemies of the Heart, Andy Stanley discusses the third enemy of the heart – greed.  The bottom line, Pastor Stanley asserts — greedy people assume they deserve every good thing that comes their way.  Furthermore, this belief includes every good thing that could possibly come their way.

Hence, it’s quite difficult to pry money or stuff away from a greedy person.  Because, Andy states, it’s theirs.  Plus, greedy people are scared.

However, one thing sets greed apart from the other three enemies of the heart.  Greed disguises itself.  As a result, it’s easy to hide greed from ourselves.  Yet, the people around us certainly spot our greed.  Thus, as Andy quips, “although it may be difficult to spot greed in the mirror, it isn’t difficult to see in the people around us.”

In addition, Pastor Stanley asserts, he’s met greedy rich people as well as greedy poor people.  Consequently, greed crosses all socioeconomic dividing lines.  Rich or poor, fear supplies the driving force behind greed.  The author explains:

“People with greed lodged in their hearts fear that God either can’t or won’t take care of them.  More to the point, they’re afraid that God won’t take care of them in the fashion or style in which they want to be cared for.  And the gap between what they suspect God might be willing to do and what they want becomes a major source of anxiety.”

Hence, greedy people never possess enough to feel secure against every possible eventuality.  There’s always another what if around the corner that impels them to acquire more.  So, greedy people rarely find themselves at peace with others – and never at peace with themselves.

Today’s question: Do you see fear as the driving force behind your greed?  Please share.

Tomorrow’s blog: “Our jealousy – so easily misdirected”

About the author

Dave Henning

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