“In walking with people through grief and loss, I’ve recognized how . . . they’re desiring to connect, to be validated that their suffering or the injustice they are facing hasn’t somehow disqualified them from personhood. They’re not even coming for answers — they just want to be reminded that God hasn’t forgotten them.”- Mitchel Lee, Grace Community Church
“Leaving the crowd behind, [the disciples] took [Jesus] along, just as he was, in the boat.”- Mark 4:36 (NIV)
In Chapter 9 (“When You Just Need to Do Something: Handholds in the Days of Doubt”) of The Louder Song, Aubrey Sampson take note of things forgotten in her lamenting. She no longer remembers some of the childlike ways in which she once interacted with God. Because pain and suffering leave little room for uncomplicated faith. And, Aubrey notes, we all long for that kind of faith again.
Furthermore, the author observes, no easy road through lament exists. Thus, there are no easy steps from how to yet. All confusing emotions about your situation won’t fly away like a butterfly just because you start an ekah journal, lament to God, and count 1-2-3.
As a result, when you feel stuck in the darkness, find some handholds and fleeces of your own. Even if you’re afraid God will fail to answer. Instead, allow your handholds and fleeces to remind you of God’s faithfulness and presence. In the process, you return to your childlike wonder and faith.
In conclusion, Aubrey takes specific note of one detail Mark includes in his account of Jesus calming the storm. Mark writes that Jesus went on the boat just as he was. Aubrey continues:
“In times of struggle, God invites us to remember — again and again — that he is the same God from Mark 4. Jesus has power and authority over your storm because he has power over every storm. We know this but we don’t always feel it. We can’t hold it in our hands. And so we need a way to practice it, to bring it to life in our real days, morning, noon, and night.”
Today’s question: What Bible verses provide a firm foundation as you walk through grief and loss? Please share.
Tomorrow’s blog: “Best way to bring healing to the soul”