Teachable and willing – favor to the humble

By Dave Henning / October 12, 2019

“The Bible says, ‘God opposes the proud but shows favor to the humble’ (James 4:6).  It’s not that God simply puts up with the proud or is indifferent to their arrogance, but he actively opposes them.  To those who are teachable and willing?  He gives grace, forgiveness, and . . . second chances.”- Bob Merritt ( emphasis author’s)

“Therefore, if anyone is in Christ, the new creation has come: The old has gone, the new is here.”- 2 Corinthians 5:17 (NIV)

In the Introduction to his latest book, Done With That: Escape the Struggle of Your Old Life, Bob Merritt begins with a question.  Pastor Merritt asks, When was the last time you said the words I’m done with that?  Because, no matter the source of the issue, you arrive at the point where you throw up your hands in exasperation.  You’re done with that!  Above all, Pastor Merritt contends, there’s power in saying that.

Therefore, the author wonders, must you say ‘done with that’ to something that’s:

  • hurting you?
  • preventing you from achieving your dreams?
  • hindering God’s call on your life?

In addition, the author observes, the process focuses on your ability to say no.  And, for every no, a better yes exists.  For example, say no to lying, yes to trusting.  Also, say no to manipulating,, and yes to relating.

Yet, despite our knowledge of Paul’s words that the old life has gone and the new life is here (2 Cor. 5:17), we still repeat habits that we know hurt ourselves and others.  As a result, the author invites us to throw off the chains of the old life.  To join the adventure to press into the new.

Today’s question: After your downsizing or position loss, how teachable and willing do you find yourself?  Do you need to humble yourself?  Please share.

Tomorrow’s blog: “Little annoyances test of spiritual maturity”

About the author

Dave Henning

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