
Lacerated by hurtful barbs as you love, serve

“Throw yourself into loving and serving, and it’s only a matter of time before you are lacerated by hurtful barbs said to you or about you. . . .  Petty complaints take their toll.”- Jeff Manion

“As for me, I call to God, and the LORD saves me.  Evening, morning, and noon I cry out in distress, and he hears my voice.”- Psalm 55:16-17 (NIV)

Jeff Manion concludes Day 20 of Dream Big, Think Small as he cautions that, left unattended, our wounds fester.  As a result, they get infected.  And, we get infected.  Consequently, Pastor Manion notes, we develop a cast iron shield to protect us from future hurts.  In the process we grow unapproachable, distant, and embittered.

Therefore, Jeff presents two ways King David resolved his anger, discouragement, and blaming.

1.  Tenacious trust.  Betrayed, King David called out to God.  He invited God into the mess, knowing he (David) lacked the capacity to heal his pain and confusion.

However, Pastor Manion counsels, we must not assume that this process is quick or easy.  A single prayer won’t heal this kind of wound.  But, as David throws his anxiety on the Lord, the Lord hears him.  The Lord sustains David to lead and serve yet another day.

 2.  Life-giving counsel.  Now, with perspective gained from tenacious trust, David offers counsel to others wounded and betrayed.  While healing may involve grace given by trusted friends or through counseling, Jeff exhorts us not to miss the obvious: “Cast your cares upon the LORD and he will sustain you” (Psalm 55:22).

Also, Jeff notes, we must engage honestly with God:

” . . . our odds of staying in the race climb dramatically when we engage in brutally honest conversations with God about how things are going.  We vent, weep, and maybe rant about what’s happening — and how we feel about what’s happening. . . .  He gives us strength to go another mile.  He gives us mercy to stay in the race.”

Today’s question: When lacerated by hurtful barbs, what Bible verses sustain you?  Please share.

Tomorrow’s blog: “Pursue a life of faithfulness – challenging endurance race”

About the author 

Dave Henning

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