“The enemy of your soul will never encourage you or speak life into who you are. The enemy will never affirm who you are becoming; instead, he tries to distract you or make you think your new name is earned and not given. . . . When we hear painful lies from our past or when our old names or identities resurface, we need to ask, ‘Who is speaking this name over me?’ “- Esther Fleece Allen
“My frame was not hidden from you when I was made in the secret place; when I was woven together in the depths of the earth.”- Psalm 139:15 (NIV)
In Chapter 6 (“Your Names Are Given and Not Earned”) of Your New Name, Esther Fleece Allen notes that sometimes we struggle seeing our new names for ourselves. Even when those new names are obvious to others. Perhaps, Esther suggests, we all get hesitant during the process of learning to live out our new names.
However, God knew you before your birth. Furthermore, He made no mistake when He created you. Therefore, when you hear any dreadful accusations during the name changing process, know that they spew forth from Satan. Not God. Satan’s lies proclaim untrue identities over us. In contrast, God’s gentle, kind voice provides guidance. Also, God always corrects out of love for us. Esther explains:
“God’s words are affirming and loving, even when He is correcting us. When we hear accusations directed at us, there’s a good chance the accusation is trying to take the place of our new name. Don’t let it! Don’t believe the lie that ‘you are not enough,’ and ask God to help you hear His voice of truth.”
Consequently, Esther exhorts, as we listen to God, the Holy Spirit guides us and affirms our new name. The true words God speaks about us possess the power to extinguish the influence of our old habits.
Today’s question: How has the enemy of your soul fed you lies about your new name? Please share.
Tomorrow’s blog: “Renew my mind – ask God for help”