“Our earthly longings begin to fade when we realize how precious life is. We simply cannot fill the hole in our hearts that we are born with, no matter how hard we try.”- Meredith McDaniel
Then the LORD said to Moses,”I will rain down bread from heaven for you. The people are to go out each day and gather enough for that day. In this way I will test them and see whether they will follow my instructions.”- Exodus 16:4 (NIV)
Meredith McDaniel concludes the Prologue of In Want + Plenty as she notes what happens when we get grabby and our soul dries up. It affects everything. Consequently, we stop feeling, dreaming, and longing. In addition, we give in to the false belief that God’s holding out on us. As a result of our distrust, we fail to allow ourselves unable to connect with others or with God.
Yet, Meredith believes, we all long to live in the blissful innocence of the Garden of Eden. But in the meantime, we await heaven in the in-between space called Earth. We crave what’s still to come. Meanwhile, like the children of Israel, we desire nourishment in our desert places.
The manna God provides reveals His intentional love. He uniquely tailors His provisions to our personalities. Meredith explains:
“Manna stuns us in our steps. . . . Manna prompts us to see the reality that God loves us and can be trusted, even when our circumstances or the status of our hearts may beg to differ. When we are ready to throw in the towel and say enough is enough, God gently extends grace in the form of manna and proves He is indeed more than enough.”
Thus, Meredith exhorts you to discover the hidden manna in your own life.
Today’s question: What Bible verses sustain us when our earthly longings begin to fade? Please share.
Tomorrow’s blog: “Disconnecting from how we really feel”