Accepting the grace of God

By Dave Henning / July 2, 2020

“One of the hardest steps for anybody who has been betrayed is accepting the grace of God.  If God gives grace, His unmerited favor to my betrayer, can I be mad about that?”- Phil Waldrep

Phil Waldrep concludes Chapter 9 of Beyond Betrayal as he underscores our need to remember that grace welcomes home the betrayer.  In addition, grace seeks the best for the betrayed as well as the betrayer.  Therefore, the author states, “When you understand and embrace grace, you are free to love again.”

Furthermore, just like the house built upon a rock (Matthew 7:24-27), God’s love functions from a place of stability.  Hence, Phil suggests two ways to fill ourselves before we can give ourselves to others.

1.  Meditate on Scriptures about love.  The author lists three specific sections of Scripture: 1 Corinthians 13. The Sermon on the Mount (Matthew 5-7), and the book of 1 John.  First, select a passage and meditate on it for a month.  Then, think about your chosen passage throughout the day.  Also, write different verses on sticky notes.  Place them on your refrigerator door or bathroom mirror.

Just as our physical bodies require daily food, our spiritual lives need daily nourishment.  We need constant, daily insight from the Bible.

 2.  Respond to harsh words with loving ones.  When our betrayer or their friends speak harsh words to us, we often desire to strike back with the same venom.  Instead, away from the onslaught of such a verbal attack, think about how to respond in kindness.

Rather than retorting with a snappy answer to put them in their place, respond in a way that dissipates anger.  Give yourself space to reply with kind words, not animosity.

Finally, the author offers this Truth to Remember:

“God commands us to love our enemies.  Loving people comes from a place of strength and stability.  It never involves accepting wrong, especially at your expense.  No can be a powerful love word.”

Today’s question: What, if anything, prevents you from accepting the grace of God?  Please share.

Tomorrow’s blog: “The currency of relationships = trust”

About the author

Dave Henning

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