
Signs follow decisions – spiritual momentum

“In my experience, signs follow decisions.  The way you overcome spiritual inertia and produce spiritual momentum is by making tough decisions.  And the tougher the decision, the more potential momentum it will produce.  The primary reason most of us don’t see God moving is simply because we aren’t moving.  If you want to see God moving, you need to make a move!”- Mark Batterson

“They went forth, and preached everywhere, the Lord working with them, and confirming the word with signs following.”- Mark 16:20 (KJV)

Mark Batterson concludes Chapter 2 of Wild Goose Chase as he observes that most of us want God to provide miraculous signs before we exit our cage.  In other words, we ask God to part the river before we chance getting our feet wet.  But in that scenario, Mark notes, our faith needs no faith.

Certainly, at times God provides a miraculous sign to jump start your faith.  But, more often than not, the biblical pattern = signs follow faith.  Pastor Batterson adds:

“When you take a step of faith, signs will follow.  God will sanctify your expectations, and you will begin to live your life with holy anticipation.  You won’t be able to wait to see what God is going to do next.”

In addition, the author notes, moments in life occur when our passions and God’s purposes converge.  Mark refers to such moments as supernatural synchronicities.  During these moments:

  • the sovereignty of God overshadows our shortcomings
  • we attribute our success to the favor of God

Hence, if you do things you’re capable of doing, it follows that you’ll most likely take credit for them.  Instead, strive to see God do things in you and through you that you’re absolutely incapable of achieving on your own.  That way you can’t possibly take credit for them.

Finally, Mark offers these words of hope:

“You don’t need wealth or position or power to make a difference.  You just need to do the best you can with what you have where you are.  And if you’re faithful in Babylon, God will bless you in Jerusalem.”

Today’s question: In your life, what examples show that signs follow decisions?  Please share.

Tomorrow’s blog: “We take constants for granted”

About the author 

Dave Henning

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