
A healthy relationship with our heavenly Father

“A healthy relationship between parent and child moves from dependence to independence.  But a healthy relationship with our heavenly Father moves in the opposite direction.  Spiritually speaking, we start out in a state of total independence. . . .  Spiritual maturity is moving along a continuum toward total dependence on God. . . .  It is learning to live in daily dependence on God.  And sometimes it takes a shipwreck or a snakebite to get us there.”- Mark Batterson

“In their hearts humans plan their course, but the LORD establishes their steps.”- Proverbs 16:9 (NIV)

Mark Batterson moves on in Chapter 6 of Wild Goose Chase as he describes disorientation as both natural and healthy.  In addition, it’s a normal part of chasing the Wild Goose.  Above all, disorientation develops our dependence on God.  Because that gets us where God wants us to go.  Not our best-laid plans!

When you start at a new school or get a new job, your first day often begins with an orientation session.  But new chapters in your His-story begin via disorientation.  As Mark observes, “sometimes God needs to disorient us so He can reorient us.”

Furthermore, the author underscores, we need to remind ourselves of one simple truth.  The truth that God’s far more concerned about your future than you are.  Mark explains:

“Not only does God want us to get where God wants us to go, but He is awfully good at getting us there.  He may not always reveal His plans how or when we want Him to.  But when we chase the Wild Goose, our future becomes His responsibility. . . .  God is in the business of positioning us in the right place at the right time.  And that ought to give us an unshakeable sense of destiny even when we feel disoriented.”

Today’s question: What most helps you develop a healthy relationship with your heavenly Father?  Please share.

Tomorrow’s blog: “Setting up divine appointments”

About the author 

Dave Henning

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