Turned your deficit into a prayer?

By Dave Henning / January 6, 2021

“So, I ask, have you asked?  Have you turned your deficit into a prayer?  Jesus will tailor a response to your precise need.  He is an accomplished chef who prepares unique blessings for unique situations.”- Max Lucado

“When the sun went down, everyone who had anyone sick with some ailment or other brought them to [Jesus].  One by one he placed his hand on them and healed them.”- Luke 4:40 (MSG)

In Chapter 2 (“He Will Replenish What Life Has Taken”) of Never Alone, Max Lucado talks about a miracle unique to the Gospel of John – the wedding at Cana.  First, though, Pastor Lucado reminds us of an oft-ignored truth.  That truth? – we’re running out.  The hourglass of our life flipped the day of our birth.  Ever since, we’ve been depleting those resources.

Hence, our spending outpaces our deposits.  And that fact, Max believes, explains the reasoning behind miracle number one in Jesus’ ministry.  The wedding at Cana.

At the wedding, Mary enlisted the help of her Son to deal with the wine shortage.  And while John gives no reason for the lack of wine, he does tell us how the wine was replenished.  When Jesus turned water into wine, John conveyed this message: no mater how insignificant our diminishing supplies, they matter to heaven.

Certainly, when you think of all the needs on the planet, bone-dry wine vats hardly seem to matter,  Yet, the problem mattered to Jesus because it mattered to Mary.  If Jesus chose to act at Cana, how much more willing is He to intervene on the weightier matters of life?  Above all, Jesus wants you to take all your needs to Him.

In conclusion, Max stresses, Jesus isn’t a one-size-fits-all Savior.  Perceiving unique needs, Jesus issues unique blessings.  Just as He did when crowds of people came to Him for healing (Luke 4:40).

Today’s question: Have you asked?  Turned your deficit into a prayer?  Please share.

Tomorrow’s blog: “A precise prayer = Christ’s pathway”

About the author

Dave Henning

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