Common sense – add to God’s truth?

By Dave Henning / May 14, 2021

“Eve got it mostly right.  God never mentioned not touching the fruit, even though that would have been a pretty good idea.  However, we should never add what we consider common sense to God’s truth.  It is true enough standing on its own.”- Sharon Jaynes

“You are free to eat from any tree in the garden; but you must not eat from the tree of the knowledge of good and evil, for when you eat of it you will certainly die.”- Genesis 2:16-17 (NIV)

As Sharon Jaynes moves on in Chapter 2 of When You Don’t Like Your Story, she stresses that God always speaks the language of freedom.  Because God wants us to live in freedom, His commands focus on our provision and protection.

However, Satan loves to tell us about whatever we don’t have.  Thus, Satan tries to convince us that God’s holding out on us: “You’d be happy if . . .”

Unfortunately, this lie of the devil introduces a destructive detour into many stories.  For the devil speaks the language of restriction.  As a result, he twists God’s words in order to stir up feelings of dissatisfaction in us.

Therefore, Adam and Eve faced consequences for their actions in the garden of Eden.  Philip Yancey describes the results in Disappointment with God: Three Questions No One Asks Aloud:

“By their choice they put distance between themselves and God.  Before they had walked and talked with God.  Now when they heard his approach, they hid in the shrubbery.  As awkward separation had crept in to spoil their intimacy.  And every quiver of disappointment in our own relationship with God is an aftershock from their initial act of rebellion.”

Finally, when Sharon’s deep season of mourning ended, she stopped asking Why me? and started asking What now?  That signaled her readiness to learn whatever God wanted her to learn.  About herself and about trusting His unfailing love.  Even when her life felt like it was falling apart.

Today’s question: When have you tried to add your common sense to God’s truth?  Please share.

Coming Monday: the May Short Meditation – “Another in the fire, standing next to me”

Tomorrow’s blog: “Broken heart and raised hands – incompatible?”

About the author

Dave Henning

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