A vast concert hall – the world

By Dave Henning / August 23, 2022

“Anywhere — and, it follows, nowhere — can be a place.  As long as we are there, to think and talk, to listen and respond.  The world . . . is a vast concert hall.  What sound there is . . . the sound of one human after another issuing the daily plea: to be heard, to be understood . . . be accommodated. “- Mark Kingwell, Canadian professor of philosophy

In Chapter 8 (“Stability in Home”) of The Power of Place, Daniel Grothe tells the story of his move to Colorado Springs.  Twelve days after he and his wife Lisa married.   While Daniel viewed their first apartment as a place of impermanence, his wife Lisa knew it needed to feel like a home.  As a result, Lisa taught Daniel the are of placemaking.

Above all, Pastor Grothe adds:

“I have since come to believe that it’s hard to start building a new life in a new place — a new city, a new community — when you haven’t first done the work of cultivating your own little homeplace in which and from which to live that life (emphasis Daniel’s).”

In addition, Pastor Grothe notes, when we hear the word economy we think in terms of lists and numbers.  However, it’s wise to remember that the word economy comes from the Greek root oikos, meaning household.  Therefore, in the ancient mind, economy focused on care about the household and it’s semblance of order.  To care about the upkeep in the small home where you lived.

Thus, the household represented the smallest concentric circle of well-being.  Hence, the household need attending to first.  So, Pastor Grothe wonders, have you turned your place into holy ground?

In conclusion, Pastor Grothe underscores:

‘I think we could stand to recover the household as the first economy.  Home is not just a roof over our heads, though that is a great gift in itself.  Home is a haven from which we rise rested to launch out into the world with God’s blessing. . . .  wherever you are, find ways to make it yours for the time you’re there.”

Today’s question: Ho can you minister in the vast concert hall of the world?  Please share.

Tomorrow’s blog: “The treasure of friendship”

About the author

Dave Henning

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