The beautiful resilience Jesus offers

By Dave Henning / January 9, 2023

“Endurance — the dividing line between those who make it through any sort of trial and those who don’t.  Hang on, don’t get discouraged — this isn’t just gutting it out.  Not at all.  The beautiful resilience Jesus offers us comes from his resources; endurance is imparted to us.”- John Eldredge

“By your endurance you will gain your lives.”- Luke 21:19 (ESV)

In Chapter 4 (“Eden Glory, Not Desolation”) of Resilient, John Eldredge stresses that God designed us to live and enjoy the benefits of two ecosystems, two realities.  The physical and the spiritual.

Most significantly, John notes, each world offers graces for human flourishing.  For example, the natural graces of beauty and stillness nourish and strengthen the heart and soul.

In addition, God created us to live comfortably in the spiritual world.  There we draw upon the supernatural graces available to us through the rest of God’s kingdom.  Hence, the author explains:

“Our created nature is designed to live in two worlds, drawing strength from two worlds. . . .  But most of us are not tapping into the supernatural graces.  We can’t ignore these and hope to thrive. . . .  We cannot hope to find resilience while we ignore the provision God has for us in the fullness of his beautiful kingdom.”

Above all, John counsels, we need to find the supernatural graces to guard our hearts against the sources of Desolation.  And the riptide pulls to draw us away from God – or even give up on God altogether.  Because, always, the battle is over the heart.

In conclusion, the author cautions, our enemy, Satan, wants to make everything a wasteland.  However, God wants to make everything a restored Eden.  Therefore, part of our Father’s provision when it comes to the resilience we need against Desolation = the Eden Glory.  That glory of God in and around you gives you supernatural resilience.  And it guards you like a shield.

Today’s question: What Bible verses sustain the beautiful resilience Jesus offers?  Please share.

Tomorrow’s blog: “Loving attachment to God”

About the author

Dave Henning

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