False relief – Satan’s lure

By Dave Henning / January 13, 2023

“Jesus understands both our intense longing for life to be good again and the proven abilities of our enemy to lure us into false relief — which inevitably fails, making us vulnerable to a loss of heart and of faith.  This will play out on a cultural level, but the vast majority will take place in the quiet moments of the human heart.”- John Eldredge

Jesus answered: “Watch out that no one deceives you.  For many will come in my name, claiming, ‘I am the Mesiah,’ and will deceive many.”- Matthew 24:4-5 (NIV)

In Chapter 7 (“The Kingdom Without a King”) of Resilient, John Eldredge stresses that every human effort to create heaven on earth results in a living hell.  Yet, tired souls find themselves willing to go along with just about anything.  As long as someone or something promises us the return of our own little happiness.

Certainly, John notes, we do our best to make the world a better place.  But we must run from any and every attempt to make the world a perfect place.  Therefore, the author exhorts, we only want to be in a promising idea if God’s in it.  Above all, this goes beyond allegiance to Jesus – taking it to the next level.

So, John asks, do you view Jesus as trying to secure a happy little life for everyone on the planet?  Or does Jesus desire to prepare every human heart for His anticipated return?  Because only Jesus’ second coming brings about the healing of our broken planet.

In conclusion, John underscores, we choose whether or not to let fear or sorrow overtake our hearts.  Thus, it’s within our power to choose what we give our hearts over to.  However, when we richly experience God coming for us, speaking for us, and moving on our behalf, we may believe it’s all up to Him.  Not the case!

Today’s question: What types of false relief lure you?  Please share.

Tomorrow’s blog: “An Eden heart – our true home”

About the author

Dave Henning

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