
Only ten seconds away

Demoiselle (dem-wah-zel) Cranes, the smallest crane species, nonetheless possess a loud, high-pitched trumpeting call.

“We’re only ten seconds away from mountain-moving faith.  Encountering God changes everything.”- Susie Larson, Closer Than Your Next Breath

“Like a swallow or a crane I chirp; I moan like a dove.  My eyes are weary from looking upward.  O Lord, I am oppressed; be my pledge of safety.”- Isaiah 38:14 (ESV)

Six major populations of the Demoiselle Crane occur in 47 countries of the world.  With an estimated count ranging from 170,000 to 220,000, the International Union for Conservation of Nature (IUCN) lists this crane’s status as Least Concern.  According to the International Crane Foundation (ICF), the Demoiselle’s diet consists of plant materials, insects, peanuts, beans, other cereal grains, and small mammals.

Most significantly, each fall the Demoiselle Crane embarks on one of the toughest migrations in the world.  As the cranes prepare for the flight to their winter range, they gather in flocks as large as 400.  Reaching altitudes of 16,000 – 26,0oo feet, this three-foot tall, four-to-seven-pound crane crosses the Himalayas on its arduous trek to its wintering grounds in India.  And along the way, the Demoiselles battle fatigue, hunger, and predation by golden eagles.

In her most recent book, Closer Than Your Next Breath, Susie Larson cites a common saying.  That saying asserts that we’re only ten seconds away from an emotional ditch.  Yet, Susie notes, consider the reaction of Jesus’ disciples when He suddenly stood among them as they hid behind locked doors.  In a few seconds they transitioned from fear to faith.

Consequently, Ms. Larson underscores, not one passive bone exists in Jesus’s body.  Jesus isn’t sitting back in his heavenly La-Z-Boy, twiddling His thumbs.  All the while waiting for us to tear down the walls we’ve built.  Or to unlock our doors and disarm our self-protection systems.  Rather, we find Jesus on a rescue mission to get to us.  Above all, Jesus crosses hell and high water — not to mention mountains — in the process.  Goodness and mercy chase after us all the days of our lives.  Because Jesus, our Healer, loves us.

But one disciple, Thomas, missed the encounter.  In addition, Thomas wanted more proof than the empty tomb.  So, how did Jesus respond to Thomas’ doubt when He showed up again eight days later?  Just as before, Jesus walked through walls again as He appeared to the disciples.  Then Jesus pronounced a blessing of peace.

Hence, Ms. Larson offers these words of encouragement and hope:

“Though there’s mercy from the heart of God when we struggle to believe, there is a special blessing of favor when we find it in our hearts to believe. . . .  Whether this feels true or not, it is true: we have a heavenly Father who will cross every barrier to help us heal, that we might fiercely trust Him and believe. . . . If we live suspicious of His goodness, we may miss His goodness when it comes.  But make no mistake about it, His goodness has come and is coming.”

Certainly, Satan, the enemy of your soul, wants your heartache to hold you captive.  Thankfully, though, Jesus intends to lead you into all truth.  In order that you can be truly, sincerely, profoundly free.

In conclusion, Ms. Larson finds it amazing how a redemptive perspective can change your day – and your health.  Sometimes Jesus gives us a more redemptive interpretation of past events.  However, at other times, He provides new experiences that eclipse and heal painful memories.  While we often recognize God’s involvement in our lives in hindsight, we learn to trust Him in the present.  Ms. Larson’s life verse comes from Psalm 116:9 (NLT):

And so I walk in the Lord’s presence as I live here on earth!”

You’re only ten seconds away!

About the author 

Dave Henning

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