“A lot of people view the Bible like . . . an essential, God-inspired instruction manual. Indeed, God’s Word is chock-full of timeless wisdom, spiritual principles, and clear directions for healthy living. But if we think of the Scriptures as a collection of guidelines, we’ll not cherish the Word of God. . . . Instruction manuals are important and useful, but no one savors them like honey.”- Alan Wright
“How sweet are your words to my taste, sweeter than honey to my mouth.”- Psalm 119:103 (ESV)
In Chapter 12 (“Revealing: Seeing the Bible in a Whole New Light”) of Seeing as Jesus Sees, Alan Wright states that when we see like Jesus, we see life from a biblical perspective. Therefore, the lens of Scripture provides the best and surest way to correct our blurred spiritual vision.
Most significantly, Alan asserts, we need to ask this most important interpretive question: Jesus, how do you see the Scriptures?
So, Alan asks, like the Emmaus disciples, what do you learn about the Scriptures from your walk with the resurrected Lord? You learn, Pastor Wright stresses, that Jesus fails to see the Scriptures as a collection of principles. Or instructions you must follow. Instead, Jesus sees the entire Bible, from cover to cover, as one big redemptive story. A chronicle of His saving work.
In conclusion, Alan exhorts:
“Instruction manuals are about you — what you need to do to make something work. But that is not how Jesus sees the Word. He sees the Scriptures as the revelation of His work for you. The Word of God is one big love story about an epic hero who sacrifices all the rescue His beloved from imminent death.
When you see the Bible that way, as Jesus sees it, your heart will burn with joy and expectancy on every page as you quit asking, ‘What does Jesus want me to do?’ and start asking, ‘What has Jesus done?’ ”
Today’s question: When have you tended to view the Bible as an instruction manual? Please share.
Tomorrow’s blog: “Rescue story or owner’s manual?”