
Seeing as Jesus Sees

Seeing as Jesus Sees (Baker Books)

Alan Wright published his latest book, Seeing as Jesus Sees: How a New Perspective Can Defeat the Darkness and Awaken Joy in 2023.  Alan currently serves as lead pastor of Reynolda Church in North Carolina, a 110-year-old congregation.  Pastor Wright believes the little prayer — Jesus, how do you see this? — is brief enough for a single breath.  Yet, it’s deep enough to unveil glory.  So, when we practice this breath prayer, we learn to connect with Jesus and see as He sees.  Above all, seeing is what really matters — what, how, and if we see.  Walking side by side with Jesus provides the best way to do this as you pause, connect, and look.

Certainly, we all need the same Savior, truth greater than the father of lies, and light that dispels the darkness.  And since God’s already prepared the best for us, we never need to plead for His provision.  We simply need to see it.  However, when we fail to see God’s grace, we find ourselves tempted to be our own providers.  Most significantly, God’s already in your future.  As a result, He sees what you need before you need it.  In addition, it’s important to realize how much Jesus yearns to give us before we can give to others.  Hence, seeing as Jesus sees, look to Jesus as your helper, not vice versa.  Thus, our promises to God don’t hold power.  Instead, it’s God’s promises that matter.

At your lowest point, Jesus came near and took a lower position.  Jesus stooped for you.  Also, even the littlest light at the end of the tunnel gets you going in the right direction.  And it can take your spiritual life a long way.  Furthermore, God always blesses what He’s designed and created to empower our destiny.  Because blessing begins with seeing, we need Jesus’ eyes to bless others.  Consequently, Jesus names people for who they are destined to be.  Rather than on past performance.  Therefore, Alan defines ministry as what we do with Jesus, not what we do for Jesus.  Life-changing ministry, then, flows from seeing as Jesus sees.  Divine double takes begin with a simple, unexplained urge to take a second look at someone.

In conclusion, Pastor Wright observes, sheep without a shepherd always act like sheep without a shepherd.  Thus, we find ourselves more patient with someone’s error when we understand the roots of their weakness.  Because Jesus sees truth and the truth sets us free, it’s good to see others — and the threatening world — through His eyes.  Yet, Alan counsels, we’ll fail to cherish the Word of God if we primarily view Scripture as a collection of guidelines.  Instead, Jesus sees the Bible, from Genesis to Revelation, as one big redemptive story of His saving work.  Hence, we must quit asking what Jesus wants us to do and ask what Jesus has done.  Pausing helps us see through the chaos to what matters.  Finally, we must look to Jesus before we look with Jesus.

About the author 

Dave Henning

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