Rubber of faith, road of reality

By Dave Henning / April 9, 2024

“All [a Roman centurion] did was see Jesus suffer.  He only witnessed the way he died. . . .  [Luke 23:47] says the rubber of faith meets the road of reality under hardship.  It says the trueness of one’s belief is revealed in pain.  Genuineness and character are unveiled in misfortune.”- Max Lucado

“The centurion, seeing what had happened, praised God and said, ‘Surely this was a righteous man.’ “- Luke 23:47 (NIV)

Max Lucado notes one unique characteristic about the crucifixion in No Wonder They Call Him the Savior.  Jesus’ crucifixion made everyone step toward the cross or away from it.  Therefore, the cross simultaneously compelled and repelled.

Hence, Pastor Lucado reiterates, you can’t walk away from the cross in neutral.  For in His mercy God permits no fence sitting.  It’s one luxury we can’ afford to indulge.

Above all, like the boxer in the Simon and Garfunkel song, it’s crucial that we remain.  Not necessarily win.  We just need to hang in there.  Stick with it until you finish.  Yet, Max observes our human tendency to quit too soon.  To stop short before we cross the finish line.

Consequently, to help us remain, Pastor Lucado encourages us to remember the determination Jesus showed on the cross.  Most significantly, Max stresses, Jesus’ cry that it is finished hardly qualifies as a cry of defeat.  Or a cry of despair.  Rather, it’s a cry of victory and fulfillment.  Even relief.

Thus, Max states, when you weary of doing good, do just a little more.  When you feel pessimistic about your job, roll up your sleeves and go at it again.  Don’t forget, finishers often come complete with wounds and weariness.  For those who endure, who simply remain to the end, the Land of Paradise awaits.

So, we thank the Lord Jesus for teaching us to remain as well as endure.  And, in the end, to finish.

Today’s question: When has the rubber of faith met the road of reality in your life?  Please share.

Tomorrow’s blog: “A shouting match with Satan?”

About the author

Dave Henning

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